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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back Again

So we had another little bump in the road.

I've been busy getting things together for the CF walk and preparing for my trip to Cleveland on Mother's Day. Well, that trip has been canceled since I just got back from it.

I went for my normal routine blood work on Monday and found out that not only is my white blood count low (2.3 - eek!) but the culture from my last lung tap came back with yeast in it. Great. So Monday night Mom and I drove up to Cleveland and I was admitted to the hospital. Tuesday they went ahead and did my bronch and tapped my lung again. Today (Wednesday) I was discharged since everything is looking great. The only changes I have right now is that they are holding the Cellcept and Valcyte (the Cellcept they think was causing my nausea and vomiting last week and the Valcyte can cause a low white count) and they've changed my antifungal to Voriconizole. I've been on this drug before... it's just a stronger antifungal than the prophylactic one I was on.

I go for more bloodwork here in Cincinnati on Monday to make sure my white blood count is continuing to go up. I should know the results from my bronch by then too. I'll be sure to let everyone know what that all shows as soon as I know :)


Unknown said...

A voice from the past....5th grade. Jennifer, it so good to hear that things are looking up!!! Mrs. Poedtke sent me the link to your blog. I think of you and wonder where life has taken you. I am excited to hear about your journey. I will pray that life continues on course!