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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rough Days

Is it just me, or is God calling a lot of the CFers back home lately? Every time I log into CF.com anymore there's at least one other post saying someone else has passed.

I found out yesterday that Jessica had passed away. My family met her husband in the ICU waiting area the night I was transplanted, she had received hers that morning. There were a lot of comlications after the surgery and they ended up having the trach her. Come to find out later that she had B. Cepacia which infected the new lungs. She passed away on March 8th.

I've heard of people having survivor's guilt after transplant but I always assumed it was for the donor. I never expected to have such guilt over hearing this news. There's a whole lot of fear attached to all of this too. I'm 6 weeks post tomorrow... Just 6 weeks. It's just hard to think, that could of been me.

On a brighter note, Kelly's competition went well this past weekend. Her team got several overall high scores and she got sterling silver with her solo. Not as good as she wanted it to be, but she did well and we were proud of her. Solos are hard and this is her first year doing them... and it's in lyrical, which in my opinion is the toughest to compete in! She has another competition this weekend, which I will be at again and I'm sure they'll do great like they always do :)


Anonymous said...

I was so sad to hear about Chris' wife. I didn't get to know them well but my goodness, it's just wrong. Think of it this way. God left you here because you have a purpose. Not to say Jessica didn't, but you can't go through life saying what if. Get better for Jessica's sake. Be the one CF patient who defeats all odds. I bet you have a special little angel named Jessica on your side pulling for you.
Love you partner,

Annemarie said...

Jen- You are an amazing young lady with a huge heart and I love reafing your blog! I am so happy to see you out and about! I woudl love to see you sometime soon and give you a big but gentle hug! I will call you next week and mayeb I can come out and see you.