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Friday, December 12, 2008

The List

So I think this was the most nerve wrecking day of my life. I got the call from KJ saying that they needed my emergency contact numbers so that she could place me today. As of 2:30pm on 12/12, I am active on the transplant list in Cleveland. I have taken my anti-anxiety med and I think it's working... but I still have my heart skip a beat every now-and-then. Now the really hard part begins.... the waiting!


HuRyde said...

Jen, I am so proud of you. You have fought so hard all your life. I remember growing up with you and not fully understanding your situation but fully making the best of our time together enjoying life as youths. I don't know you all that well today but you are still close to my heart and you will always be in my life. Good luck and I hope your transplant goes as planned. With love, Jesse & Jessica Allmyer.